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Work-Related Herniated Disc: What You Need To Know

Workers Comp Herniated Disc

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Are you hoping to get workers’ comp benefits for a herniated disc?

You’ll first need to determine if the cause of your spine injury is work-related. It can be challenging to prove that your job contributed to your back problems.

About 85 percent of people with a herniated disc see their symptoms go away in eight to 12 weeks. But others have ongoing problems, including pain.

Having medical bills covered by workers’ compensation can make your treatment more affordable.

Keep reading to determine if you qualify for workers’ comp for your herniated disc.

What Is A Herniated Disc?

Your spine has cushioning discs between the vertebrae. They’re designed to absorb shock.

Each disc has a soft nucleus and a protective rubbery coating called the annulus.

A slipped or herniated disc happens when there’s a tear or rupture in the annulus, allowing the nucleus to come through.

The nucleus often presses on nerves in your spine, which causes the symptoms.

This condition causes pain, often in your back, hips, and legs. You might also notice pain in your arms, shoulders, or neck depending on the location of the affected disc.

Weakness and numbness can also result from a slipped disc. This can be a problem at work if you do manual labor.

The symptoms often get worse with activity, such as lifting or bending. Sitting or standing for long periods might also irritate the symptoms.

What Causes It?

As you get older, the discs in your back degenerate. They’re not as flexible and they tear more easily.

This can lead the discs to rupture. It can happen if you make a twisting motion with your back or strain your back.

If your ruptured disc is due to this natural degeneration, it won’t be covered by workers’ compensation.

Workplace Injuries

Even though a herniated disc often happens due to normal degeneration, it can sometimes happen after a work-related injury.

Any type of immediate injury to the back can cause disc issues. Examples include slipping on a wet floor or falling off of a ladder.

The injury can cause the annulus to tear or rupture, which leads to the herniated disc.

Your injury might be covered by workers’ comp in this case.

Repetitive Use Causes

Another possible work cause of a herniated disc is a repetitive use injury. This type of injury happens when you do the same motion repeatedly.

This can happen with manual labor jobs if you constantly lift things. Your chances of having a herniated disc with repetitive use increase if you don’t use proper techniques.

If you don’t use the proper lifting techniques you’re taught, it can put more stress than normal on your back. This can cause you to develop a herniated disc.

Getting Workers’ Comp For A Herniated Disc

It’s possible to get workers’ comp for a herniated disc if it’s a work-related injury.

It can be difficult to prove that the injury was caused directly by your job duties. Some workers’ compensation insurance companies might try to deny your claim with the excuse that the herniated disc was already there.

If you experienced an injury, such as a fall, document it with your employer immediately. This helps establish proof that the herniated disc is related to the injury.

For a slipped disc injury caused by a repetitive action at work, you’ll likely need a diagnosis from a worker’s comp doctor showing the connection.

Take Care Of Your Back

Back injuries can be painful and affect your mobility. If you have an injury at work, see a doctor as soon as possible to increase your chances of getting workers’ comp for a herniated disc.

Call (888) 590-4030 to find a good workers comp doctor near you to treat your herniated disc. Don’t delay, call now.