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Slip & Falls Accidents

Slip & Falls Accidents

Slip and Fall Injury

Slip, Trip, and Falls 

Workers in all industries experience slips, trips, and falls. If you are one of the many who have slipped, tripped, or fallen, you might be injured. Your injury could be relatively minor, or it could be significant. Regardless of the severity of the injury, you are covered by workers’ compensation as long as it was related to work. That means your employers’ workers’ compensation insurance will pay for your treatment. Another detail to pay attention to, is to make sure that any doctors or their healthcare professionals involved in your care are authorized NYS Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB). Get details on slip, trip, and fall injuries and find out how to seek treatment.

Common Slip, Trip, and Fall Injuries

Slips, trips, and falls can be quite dangerous. Your body can twist and turn and experience a great deal of trauma when hitting the ground. Go over some common slip, trip, and fall injuries.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injuries are common with slips, trips, and falls. These injuries include sprains, strains, and tears. You will likely experience pain, weakness, and a loss of range of motion with these injuries. Failing to treat a soft tissue injury also makes you more likely to reinjure the affected area. You will most like have to see a chiropractor or a physical therapist for treatment of your soft tissue injuries.

Head Injuries

Head injuries are also common with slips, trips, and falls. Head injuries should always be treated seriously. The symptoms are not always immediate, even with severe head injuries. A doctor, usually a neurologist, needs to run diagnostic tests to determine the severity of the injury and determine the treatment plan.

Bone Fractures

If you hit the ground hard after a slip, trip, or fall, you can break a bone. Fractures are quite painful and reduce your mobility. You need medical care so the bone will heal correctly; usually you will need to see an orthopedist. Your orthopedic doctor might immobilize the bone with cast or a brace. However, if your fracture is serious, you might require surgery. These procedures are also covered by workers’ compensation.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Slipping, tripping, and falling can also cause spinal cord injuries. Fast treatment is critical with spinal cord injuries. Do not move if you think you have suffered a spinal cord injury. Your employer should call an ambulance so you can be safely transported to your doctor.

Making a Workers’ Compensation Claim

These are just some of the injuries you can experience with a slip, trip, or fall. Regardless of the severity of your injury, report it to your employer. You technically have 30 days to report the injury, but it is wise to do so immediately. Your employer will either fill out the paperwork for you or hand you the forms. If you have to fill them out, do so and then give them back to the employer so they can be sent to the insurance company.

Then you need to go to a workers’ compensation doctor. A workers’ compensation doctor will accept the claim. That means you will not pay when you receive treatment. The doctor will also document the injury. This information can help you back up your claim if you are eligible for financial benefits.

Get Treatment Immediately

Remember that symptoms do not always appear immediately when you have suffered an injury. If you are hurt at work, there is no reason to delay treatment. Your workers’ compensation plan will pay for it, so visit a doctor immediately. If you need help find an experienced workers’ compensation doctor to treat you slip, trip, and fall call Workers Comp Doctor today.

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