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Occupational Diseases: Recognizing and Treating Work-Related Health Issues

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Occupational diseases affect both employers and employees and can lead to a significant loss of productivity in addition to other unnecessary expenses. Still, they remain a major issue in many industries.

According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 1.8 million workers received emergency treatment after sustaining work-related injuries.  

Those numbers are not as bad as they used to be.

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), occupational disease and injury cases reduced from 10.9 per 100 workers to 2.8 per 100 workers between 1970 and 2019. 

However, with around 130 million Americans actively working as employees, according to Statista, those numbers still need to drop further.

How can we identify and treat occupational disease and other work-related health issues? We’ll cover the details below.

What Is an Occupational Disease?

An occupational disease is a condition or injury related to your job. The condition or injury may either be due to the environment you’re working in or a direct result of what you do as a part of your job description.

Workers’ compensation doctors in New Jersey treat numerous cases of occupational disease each year.

What Are Some Occupational Diseases?

Some of the most common occupational diseases include the following.


Mesothelioma is a type of rare but aggressive cancer that can affect the lining of your lungs, abdomen, and heart.

It’s a common occupational disease for workers in industries like shipbuilding, automotive repair, and manufacturing who are likely to inhale or ingest asbestos fibers. The smokers among them are most likely to develop the condition.

Respiratory Diseases

Respiratory diseases are a common type of occupational disease that may affect workers in industries like mining, construction, manufacturing, and healthcare. These workers are constantly exposed to chemicals, dust, and other hazardous substances.

These diseases attack the lungs, leading to difficulties with breathing.

Hearing Loss

Workers exposed to loud noises every day are at risk of full or partial hearing loss. So, people working with heavy machinery in industries like manufacturing, construction, and transportation are most at risk.

A PubMed Central report shows that 17% of noise-exposed workers in the services sector have hearing loss.

Skin Diseases

Occupational skin diseases are an issue for workers regularly exposed to chemicals, radiation, and other such hazardous substances on the job. Prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV rays can also cause these diseases.

The skin disease here can range from dermatitis to skin cancer.

Musculoskeletal Disorders

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, spinal injury, bone fractures, or any injury that affects your bones, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and muscles. You’re at risk of MSDs if your work entails lifting heavy objects and maintaining awkward positions for extended periods.

These disorders are most common in workers in manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, agriculture, construction, and manufacturing.

Treatment for Work-Related Health Issues

The treatment for occupational disease depends on the medical condition you’re dealing with. Minor cases might only require time off from work and treatment with medication. However, severe cases may require more extensive medical intervention, including surgery.

Your doctor will recommend the best course of treatment for the condition.

Find a Work Injury Doctor You Can Depend On

Are you looking for workers’ compensation doctors in New York? Are you looking for where to find New Jersey workers’ compensation doctors? Workers Comp Doctor is the right place. Our practitioners can treat all work-related injuries, and they understand workers’ compensation law.

Call us now at (888) 590-4030 to find a doctor and schedule an appointment.

Our doctors accept most insurance plans, including workers’ compensation, no-fault, and PIP (personal injury protection). Same-day appointments may be available.

Dealing with a work-related knee injury? Learn more about products that can help your knee recover.


How Can I Avoid Occupational Disease?

The best way to avoid occupational diseases is to take steps to protect yourself. For example, protective equipment like nose masks, earplugs, and gloves to prevent respiratory disease, hearing loss, and skin disease.

What Should I Do If I Suffer From an Occupational Disease?

The first thing you should do is to talk to your employer about your symptoms. Next, you’ll need to see a doctor with extensive experience working in occupational health. Usually, your employer will have doctors in their network you can visit. Where the rules allow, you can see your preferred doctor.

Who Will Pay for My Treatment?

Your employer’s insurer will pay for your treatment in most cases. However, some restrictions may apply, and you have to prove that the disease was directly a result of doing your job or being in the work environment.

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