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Conditions Treated

Injury Conditions Treated

Neck Injury

New York requires employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance protects you if you hurt your neck at work. You can file a workers’ compensation claim with your employer and seek medical treatment without any out-of-pocket costs. Your NY neck injury doctor will treat you and bill the workers’ compensation insurance company.

Back Injury

If you have suffered a back injury at work, you are far from alone. Back injuries are among the most common of workplace injuries. If you were hurt at work, workers’ compensation would allow you to seek treatment without paying out of your pocket. The right treatment will alleviate pain, restore function, and enable you to get back to work.

Bone Fractures

Regardless of your profession, you can suffer bone breaks at work. Common causes include slips and falls, equipment malfunctions, falling objects, and vehicle crashes. If you are on the job when you break a bone or a bone fracture, you can make a workers’ compensation claim. Workers’ compensation insurance will pay for your medical care.

Repetitive Strain Injuries

Did you know that repeating the same motions over and over again can lead to injuries? Many people suffer from repetitive stress injuries (RSI) at work, and these injuries are covered by workers’ compensation. If you’ve experienced an RSI injury, make a workers’ compensation claim with your employer. Then you can get treatment from a workers’ compensation doctor.


Have you experienced a concussion from a work-related or auto accident? You likely feel out of sorts and aren’t sure what to do. You might have heard that you can just sleep it off, but you should visit a NY medical practice. The doctor can diagnose and treat your concussion. Find out more about what to expect when you visit the office.

Joint Pain

Joint pain is common after suffering an injury in a car accident or at work. The pain can be so severe that it’s difficult to engage in daily activities. You might have taken time off work or reduced your workload at home to let the injury heal. If you are suffering from joint pain,

Spinal Injury

Dealing with a spinal injury isn’t just painful. It’s frightening. You can’t help but feel worried if you’ve hurt your spine in a work-related or auto accident. Fortunately, there are minimally invasive treatments available to alleviate your pain. Instead of trying to live with the pain, visit a NY medical practice today.

Whiplash Injury

If you’ve gotten injured in a car accident or at work, you might have some neck pain. This could be whiplash. Whiplash occurs when your neck snaps forward and backward, or backward and forward. A NY medical practice can treat this condition.

Work Accidents

If you’ve been injured in an accident at work, your employer’s workers’ compensation policy should cover the treatment. The insurance policy will allow you to receive the treatment you need to get back to work as soon as possible. Choosing the right NY medical practice is critical so that you can receive the right treatment for your injury.

Auto Accident Injuries

A car accident is physically and emotionally traumatic. The emotional trauma gets worse when you have physical pain from your injuries. Fortunately, a NY medical practice can treat your injuries. Once your body heals, you will notice that your emotional stress melts away, as well. Go over treatments for some of the most common injuries from auto accidents. These are just some of the injuries that your local medical practice can treat.

Sports Injuries

Sport-related accidents cause a variety of painful injuries. These injuries can decrease your quality of life and impact your health. Instead of suffering alone, seek treatment from a medical practice. Check out some of the most common sports injuries that medical practice treats.

Slip & Falls Accident Injuries

Workers in all industries experience slips, trips, and falls. If you are one of the many who have slipped, tripped, or fallen, you might be injured. Your injury could be relatively minor, or it could be significant. Regardless of the severity of the injury, you are covered by workers’ compensation as long as it was related to work. That means your employers’ workers’ compensation insurance will pay for your treatment.