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Does Workers’ Comp Cover Medical Bills?

workers' compensation benefits

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In 2018, over 2 million people were injured at work. It can be a trip, a fall, or a quick cut of a knife. It’s an unfortunate but inevitable part of the work world. Even if you never experience work-related injuries, it’s always best to be prepared.

You can take safety courses, wear appropriate clothing and gear on the site, and be mindful of your surroundings. On top of all this, be fully aware of workers’ compensation benefits.

Lots of our readers ask, “Does workers’ comp cover medical bills?” If you’re unsure, keep reading below to discover the types of workers’ compensation benefits and what medical services it covers.

What Are the Types?

Believe it or not, there are several different types of workers’ compensation benefits.

Medical benefits make the employer and insurance company responsible for paying any medical bills directly related to the injury. This can include hospital visits, physical therapy, and even surgery.

While the amount of benefit is different in various situations, you might also have access to permanent partial disability benefits. These benefits are available if a body part and/or it’s functioning is lost permanently.

There are many causes for memory loss, but a major cause can be a work-related fall. You might be okay in the end, but you may have to go through re-training or become acclimated to a different but similar working environment. Vocational rehabilitation benefits can help with this.

Lastly, you have wage replacement benefits. The amount one receives in workers’ compensation depends on the severity of the issue and how long they are out of the workplace.

Understanding your benefits is extremely beneficial and important. Injuries happen all the time. In 2016 alone, over 48,000 people were seriously injured from falls.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to your employer if you have any questions regarding the types of benefits.

What Doctors Accept My Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

Finding a workers’ comp doctor you trust is crucial after your injury. Not only are they going to be taking care of you, but they’ll also be helping decide how much in compensation you receive.

When looking at your benefits, make sure you understand and follow all rules within your specific state. Ask your employer any questions that may come up when reading over them.

If you’re injured and it’s critical, get to the nearest emergency room. Beyond emergency care is when things can become a bit tricky.

Choosing a workers’ comp doctor can be tricky but there might be a list of approved physicians to choose from. Ask your employer about a list. However, your employer might choose for you.

Understanding Your Benefits

Understanding your workers’ compensation benefits is important at any job, no matter how big or small. Above is basic information for you to read over.

Make sure you understand your benefits, what they include, and how your company handles the process. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and always do your best to find a doctor you can trust. It’s also crucial to research benefit rules in your state.

Call (888) 590-4030 if you need help finding an experienced workers comp doctor near you.

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NEW:  Telemedicine appointments are now available with the best workers’ comp doctors in the safety and comfort of your home.

Call (888) 590-4030 to schedule your virtual consultation or fill out the form below.



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